For example, I subscribe to a number of safelist email blasters. As you might already know, you are allowed to email your ad to millions while allowing others to email you their opportunity.
About three weeks ago I started blasting a GIBLINE ad in all my safelists. At that time there were hardly any other GIBLINE ads filling up my Inbox. However, just over the last week, I've seen a dramatic increase in GIBLINE ads circulating the safelists. Almost every few ads is a GIBLINE ad.
This tells me there are people flocking in droves to this program. It's estimated that anywhere from 500 to 1000 are joining per day. They are predicting 500,000 members by December.
People always ask me how you can tell a new opportunity is legitimate. There are no guarantess. Certainly there is an element of risk at play when joining any new program, just as there are risks involved in many of life's ventures.
It's always a good idea to see what third party sources say about a new program. Recently, FORBES magazine published the GIBLINE press release on its website. Click the FORBES link to read the article.
Here are a few key points to why GIBLINE is enjoying such great popularity.
NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND with GIBLINE'S single straight line payment structure. This entirely new concept allows everyone to take turns getting paid, even if you don't sponsor a single person.
Get paid even if you do nothing but sit on your keester. It's a total team effort where everybody that joins starts at the bottom and basically pushes everybody ahead of them up the pay structure. There are no personal downlines or multiple downline legs to fill.
Details on the revenue plan:
Remember, everyone takes turns getting paid and people are coming in almost 1,000 per day. They predict 500,000 members as soon as December.
This is HOT!!!!
Imagine a community like MySpace or FaceBook filled with members all helping you make money. That's the gist of Giblink. The timing is right for this one.
JOIN THE PRE-LAUNCH and secure a position near the top. Timing is everything and you don't want to be left behind with this one.
Check it out here:
I'll be glad to answer any questions about this amazing opportunity!
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