I've been watching the progress of GIBLINE since it started its pre-launch mid September.
A couple weeks ago GIBLINE was hovering right around or slightly above the 10 thousand mark, which is pretty darn good.
Most experts say that a ranking under 50 thousand qualifies a site as a serious contender. So anything in the 10 thousand range is a sure bet. Just as a test, enter the website domain of various Internet business opportunities and check their ranking. You can do that here:
Alexa Rankings
Now see how they stack up against the latest GIBLINE ranking found here:
GIBLINE Traffic Ranking
Over the last few days GIBLINE has been sitting in the 9 thousands.
GIBLINE launched October 15 and is predicted to be the next social and business networking phenomenon. 700 to 1,000 members are signing up every day. This business is taking off even faster than its owners predicted.
As GIBLINE continues to grow bigger and better remember that in GIBLINE there is:
-No downline
-No upline
-No meetings to attend
-No required sponsorship
This is an opportunity where you could truly set it and forget it and still make money.
Many are flocking to GIBLINE including some of the Internet heavy hitters.
Here's some of the big-wigs getting on board:
Mike G
Dave Dubbs
Jane Mark
Phil Basten
Tom Haley
Brent Gurney
Oddvin Neishiem
The GIBLINE Revenue Sharing Program is the most advanced, comprehensive plan of it’s kind to reward advertisers for using the GIBLINE Community to advertise their business. There has never been a system like it until now.
This is the first time in history where a company has created an incentive structure that pays every qualified active advertiser back a portion of the company’s revenue every week, every month and every quarter.
Take your position in GIBLINE and start receiving your share of the revenue in a company that is already growing by leaps and bounds as is evidenced by its current Alexa ranking.
If you're ready to join the hottest program on the Internet today click here:
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