I'm sure many of you missed the conference call that launched the program. Because of unprecedented response, tens of thousands from all around the globe trying to get in on the call, the conference call server went down again. This is the second time in less than a month that the server has been sacked due to overwhelming response.
I too missed the call but listened to the archived recording at:
GIBLINE Conference Call Archives
The highlight of the call came when they announced nearly 1 million dollars would be paid out in the first run. For a business less than a month old to pay out nearly 1 million in revenue and commissions is incredible.
It just shows that the timing is right for GIBLINE to take the globe by storm. Internet business is on the rise 30 percent and that growth does not show any signs of slowing.
As GIBLINE continues to grow bigger and better remember that in GIBLINE there is:
-No downline
-No upline
-No meetings to attend
-No required sponsorship
This is an opportunity where you could truly set it and forget it and still make money.
Here's an explanation of the awesome pay structure. It really is set up to get a return on your investment as fast as possible.
The investment in the pro package is $150.00 and that enters 3 pods into the GIBLINE. All 3 are you and two of them are also sponsored by you so you get the 100% matching sponsor bonus.
ex... pod one cycles through line 1 which is a $50.00 line, you earn $50.00 and so does your sponsor. When pod #2 cycles through line one you get $50.00 in one pocket because it is yours and you get $50.00 in the other pocket because you are also the sponsor of it. So as you can see the investment is made back very quickly.
The more I learn about GIBLINE the more I'm convinced that this may be the best Internet opportunity to come along in years.
Take a few minutes to check it out and see what all the hype is about:
email questions to:
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