For example, advertising.
Obviously advertising is the biggest factor in making a business venture succeed.
There are all forms of advertising available: newspaper classifieds, online e-zine ads, television, radio, word of mouth, fliers and the list goes on.
One form of advertising that has proven quite worthy is social networking on sites such as MySpace. Many have been able to turn this forum into a successful platform to promote their business.
This has proven so effective that there are actually programs available to help you strategize your marketing on websites such as MySpace or FaceBook.
With that said, there is a new site that is capitalizing on the social networking trend and it is quickly becoming the next hot thing on the Internet.
The program is called GIB. GIB stands for Global International Business. It's a social networking site like MySpace or FaceBook for business minded adults comprised of three different features: GIBLINK, GIBLINE and GIBSALES.
During its pre-launch GIBLINE was creating quite a hype. Internet forums and discussion boards were on fire with GIBLINE chatter.
The reason for all the build up is that GIBLINE offers some features and benefits never seen before in the world of Internet marketing.
First, GIBLINE offers a social networking site that allows you to exchange ideas with other business-oriented people. You have the liberty of promoting your business and ideas within the GIBLINE community.
Secondly, GIBLINE has a unique compensation pay plan that pays each of its members a share of the revenue. Imagine if MySpace or FaceBook allowed it's members to get a percentage of their business. How incredible would that be?
Just to put it in perspective, MySpace sold for 580 million dollars. YouTube sold for 1.65 billion dollars and skype sold for 2.65 million billion dollars. Just think how successful financially you would be if these companies offered revenue sharing to its members.
Thirdly, GIBLINE is a one stop shopping site that covers all your Internet business needs such as domains, website hosting, email accounts, live chat services, ecommerce websites, site builders, dedicated servers, digital certificates and more. You can use these services to promote your own business, plus each GIBLINE member gets their own storefront to sell these services and receive commissions.
GIBLINE launched October 15 and is predicted to be the next social and business networking phenomenon. 700 to 1,000 members are signing up every day. This business is taking off even faster than its owners predicted.
GIBLINE paid nearly 1 million dollars in its first revenue payout. That’s incredible for a business that has only been around a little over a month.
Some of the Internet heavy hitters have already jumped on board with GIBLINE. See if you recognize any of these names:
Mike G
Dave Dubbs
Jane Mark
Phil Basten
Tom Haley
Brent Gurney
Oddvin Neishiem
I've already taken advantage of GIBLINE'S unique opportunity and am quite amazed. One of the factors that impresses me the most is the pay structure. The GIBLINE Revenue Sharing Program is the most advanced, comprehensive plan of it’s kind to reward advertisers for using the GIBLINE community to advertise their business. There has never been a system like it until now.
This is the first time in history where a company has created an incentive structure that pays every qualified active advertiser back a portion of the company’s revenue every week, every month and every quarter.
As you can see, GIBLINE offers a new and unique way to effectively promote your business and make money while doing it. Even if you don't have your own business, you can promote the GIBLINE opportunity and still make good money.
If you're looking for a smart and profitable way to promote your business, GIBLINE is definitely worth taking a look at.
For more infor on GIBLINE click the banner at the end of this post.
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