It makes perfect sense to me. Read it and see what you think:
How To Compete With The Big Boys
by Ann Sieg
You know that feeling when you're out having
coffee with a friend... or you bump into someone
you know at the grocery store... and you think to
yourself, "I really need to talk to this person about
my opportunity. I haven't done anything yet to
build my business today?"
And then, afterwards, when you fail to share your
opportunity with them, you feel really guilty about
it because you know you're not any closer to your
dreams of financial freedom?
How would you like to never have that feeling
Let's face it.
We all hate talking to people about our products or
our opportunity, and none of us would do it if we
knew there was a better option available.
It's about as enjoyable as chewing on broken glass
and somehow, at a gut level it just doesn't feel right.
So why do we force ourselves to do it?
Well, a lot of us have been given the impression
that it's simply the only way to do this business.
Many of us have been told that the very core of
network marketing, the very reason it's so
powerful, is the one-to-one relationships that allow
us to immediately connect with our prospects and
have our message heard above everyone else's.
Remove the "one-on-one" aspect and you no longer
have network marketing.
There are three main reasons we're repeatedly
engrained with the idea that this form of direct
selling is superior to all others:
-It's more effective than other forms of advertising.
-It's the only way "the little guy" can compete with
the big companies and build a business today.
-It's duplicateable.
But is all this really true?
Let's take a look at each one of these arguments.
#1. "Direct selling is more effective than other
forms of advertising."
The average person today is busier than ever before
and the amount of things competing for our
attention is at an all time high.
We're constantly bombarded with as many as 1,600
to 3,000 different ads or marketing messages every
single day.
Because of this, we're told that the only way to cut
through all the noise and get people's attention is
through personal, pre-existing relationships.
An individual is actually able to get much better
market penetration with their "circle of influence"
than a big company with a huge advertising budget
because "people buy from those they know, like and
Now, at face value, this seems to make really good
But if you've made even the smallest attempt at
expanding your business through your warm market,
you know that something's not quite right with this
Were you greeted with open arms by every friend,
family member, coworker, referral and
acquaintance you've ever tried to prospect?
Did they happily whip out their checkbook and
immediately buy from you because they know you
or because you're a friend of a friend?
Probably not.
In fact, you're probably more familiar with the
experience of being avoided or shunned by people
the moment they found out what your real motives
for talking with them were.
So much for "cutting through all the noise" right?
So why doesn't it all play out perfectly the way it
should? Why the big disconnect between theory and
It's because direct selling, regardless of whether or
not you already know someone, is still a form of
interruption marketing.
You're still intruding on people's lives with the one
thing that we humans hate almost more than
anything else: An unwanted sales pitch.
Sure, you'll be able to get your foot in the door
because they know who you are... but it doesn't
matter if you're their best friend or a total stranger,
once you hit them up with a sales pitch, all of that
goes out the window!
You've just placed yourself in the same category as
all the other solicitors they ignore! It completely
voids the fact that you have any kind of relationship
with them.
Any trust between the two of you has been damaged
because people don't like being taken advantage of.
And that's how they feel when you assume that
they'll automatically give you their money just by
virtue of the fact that you know them. Especially if
you've used some sneaky, bait-and-switch "I just
want you to evaluate what I'm doing" or "I can't
explain it, you've just gotta come and see it for
yourself" tactic that many uplines teach and
(Deep down inside we all know this instinctively
because that's not how we would want to be
treated. That's why it just doesn't feel right when
we push our stuff on people.)
More importantly...
This is the most important and fundamental rule
of marketing and it's prerequisite to everything
If you're not abiding by this rule, NO form of
advertising is going to work.
In fact, person-to-person is actually the worst form
of advertising for practicing this sort of
"interruption marketing" because with something
like television or a magazine ad, your prospect can
simply change channels or turn the page if they're
not interested. No big deal.
But nothing is more uncomfortable than having to
turn someone down who won't take "no" for an
answer. Especially when you're trying to be careful
and polite about it because that someone is your
It's also a lot harder and more wearing on you
because you personally have to deal with the
rejection over and over again (another thing that we
humans don't do well with), as opposed to an ad
that couldn't care less.
While the whole point of direct selling is supposed
to be to allow you to breakthrough all the other
advertising clutter, there's actually a much better
and more natural way to accomplish this.
Effectively getting someone to listen to you has
nothing to do with communicating at a one-to-one
It's all about whether or not you're tapping into a
need or desire that already exists.
If you're not offering them something that they're
already highly interested in, you're not going to be
able to hold their attention and you're certainly not
going to get them to take action.
The REAL KEY to getting and keeping your
prospect's undivided attention is to deliver laser-
targeted messages to them at the exact moment
that they're looking for answers.
This is how you stand out from the crowd and the
internet allows you to do this like no other
advertising medium in history because what are
people doing when they go on the internet?
Searching for information!
This is the exact state of mind you need someone to
be in in order for them to be receptive to your offer -
not when they're having dinner or out grocery
The very nature of the internet is that people go on
it to look for answers. It's like a giant virtual yellow
pages, except infinitely better and more powerful
(in ways that I'll talk about more in future emails).
It's THE perfect pool of prospects - warmer and
more receptive than any "warm" market.
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