How To Compete With The Big Boys
By Ann Sieg
#2. "One-to-one marketing is the only way "the
little guy" can compete with the big companies and
build a business today."
This is really the chokepoint or the lynchpin of the
entire argument for warm/cold market prospecting
because, again, if we're being totally honest with
ourselves, none of us would voluntarily talk to
people we know about our opportunity if we didn't
have to.
We would all love to advertise and have business
come to us instead if we could right?
However, we're told that the average person just
can't afford to do normal advertising like "the big
boys" can and one-to-one, word of mouth marketing
is really the only option available to us small home
based business owners who don't have a lot of
money to start with.
Now, 20 years ago when everything was offline this
*MIGHT* have been true...
But today with the internet, this argument is simply
outdated and no longer valid.
Reaching mass audiences of hundreds of thousands
of people with an advertising campaign in the
offline world can cost as much as a small house.
With the internet, these same numbers and results
can be achieved for nothing or next to nothing.
Let me give you some examples...
--To take out a full page ad in The Washington Post,
which has over 2.4 million readers, you will need to
fork over a hefty $100,000.
On the other hand, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,
which has a circulation of about 370,000 readers,
will only cost you $15,000.
--A typical full page ad in most magazines will cost
you anywhere from $20-40 CPM. This means 'Cost
Per Thousand' - the cost per thousand viewers or
readers. So if you want your ad to be seen by
roughly 100,000 people, it may cost anywhere from
--Depending on the type of postage you use and a
few other things like printing, paper, mailing list
rental and lettershopping, having your offer sent
to 100,000 people through direct mail can be in the
neighborhood of $50,000 or more.
--With production costs and air time, a 28 minute
infomercial can easily run you up a good
Now, compare this with similar methods on the
Cost: Free.
Reach: Sky's the limit.
Just now as I'm writing this email I went and
looked up some videos about how to start a home
based business and found a bunch that have gotten
54,542 views... 34,197 views... 74,907 views...
12,959 views... etc. All of them were done by
individuals in their home. None of them were done
by big corporations.
--Article Marketing.
Cost: Free if done manually, or for less than $200
you can have a good professional service do it for
you for an entire year.
Reach: Hundreds of websites with thousands of
regular visitors pick up your articles and distribute
>>>Here are some comments about article
marketing from someone who purchased the
Renegade Network Marketer:
By the way, I am averaging about 2 sales/day
recently, and only spend about $28/month to do that.
Out of that, $19 is to keep Aweber getting my
newsletter out, and the rest is my monthly fees for
my website and blog. Really, I don't spend anything
on marketing yet.
It's all article marketing, blogging, and newsletter
I'm averaging about a 94% profit margin!"
Scott Rogers
Duncanville, TX
--Banner Advertising.
Cost: $1-5 per thousand impressions, depending on
the websites you advertise with (an impression is
when your ad is shown) So to have your ad shown
100,000 times would cost between $100-500.
--Natural search engine listings (Google, Yahoo,
MSN, etc) though a website or blog.
Cost: Time.
Reach: Thousands to millions depending on the
search terms you're targeting.
--Ezine Advertising.
An "ezine" is an online newsletter and when you
advertise with one, your offer gets emailed to the
entire list of subscribers. This is one of the most
effective methods for targeting huge crowds of
people who are interested in your offer. There are
hundreds of home based business/network
marketing ezines you can advertise with, but here
are just a few examples that I found in about 10
minutes of looking through an ezine directory:
-$150 to have your ad sent to 470,000 subscribers
-$135 to have your ad sent to 280,000 subscribers
-$99 to have your ad sent to 100,000 subscribers
-$50 to have your ad sent to 37,000 subscribers
-$35 to have your ad sent to 20,000 subscribers
With the internet, anyone can advertise like the big
companies, and in fact, in many cases, the "little
guy" can do it a lot better.
Most Fortune 500 companies are just now starting
to get up to speed on strategies and techniques
that were being talked about and used with
tremendous success 5-10 years ago by pioneering
individuals and small home based business owners.
This may sound surprising, but did you know that
during the 21st Century, 90% of the most
significant breakthroughs and discoveries in science
and business came from small businesses?
Because it's very difficult for large, slow-moving,
bureaucratic corporations to adapt and change.
The Fortune 500s and the Inc 500s - just like the
vast majority of MLM companies - failed to adapt
to the internet and are now playing catch up.
(Actually, they failed to allow their
DISTRIBUTORS to adapt to the internet).
Is it really any surprise that the warm/cold market
approach has become outdated?
After all, network marketing was first conceived
of well over 50 years ago.
Things change. Techniques change. That's okay.
This does NOT mean that MLM itself is outdated,
just the methods that people are being taught to use.
It's more powerful now than ever, when combined
with effective marketing strategies.
One more thing about this idea that home based
business owners can't advertise like the big
companies can...
Notice how I said that "20 years ago when
everything was offline this *MIGHT* have been
Well, the reason I say "might" is because if you
advertise like MOST distributors do, this statement
is true. You WILL lose money. Every time.
When done wrong, any kind of marketing is
expensive - even warm market prospecting which
is supposed to be free.
Most MLMers lose money because they don't
know WHAT to advertise (hint: it's not your
However, when done correctly, all of your
advertising expenses become a complete non-
Read that again.
Yes, even the most expensive kinds like direct mail.
If this sounds like something you'd like to learn
how to do, you need to check out my book The
Renegade Network Marketer.
In it, I show you EXACTLY how to have all of
your advertising immediately pay for itself so that
you have no out-of-pocket expenses - regardless of
how big or small it is.
You're really at a huge disadvantage if you're not
using this strategy in your business. Other people
are every day and they're finding they're able to
expand their advertising endlessly as a result.
Just click here to learn how to do this right now:
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