How To Compete With The Big Boys
By Ann Sieg
#3. "Warm/cold market prospecting is
This argument goes right along with the first one.
If we've already established that prospecting people
who don't care about our opportunity one at a time
is NOT an effective form of marketing (and in
some cases, one of the worst forms when done
incorrectly), why would you want to duplicate it?
Of course the whole point is supposed to be that
making a names list and calling those people is
supposed to be something that absolutely ANYONE
can do without needing any money, skills, or
experience whatsoever (not true, by the way)...
But I believe this is the same thing as trying to solve
our country's education problem by saying, "Let's
make the standards as low as we possible can so that
anyone can graduate without even having to actually
learn something."
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Many MLMers might look at this and ask (as I
would have in the past), "but didn't John Paul
Getty say that he would rather have 1% of the
efforts of a hundred men than 100% of his own?"
And he did. But what he left out of that famous
saying is that in order for it to apply, that 1% has
to at least amount to SOMETHING.
The fact is, the old school techniques of trying to
sell to unqualified prospects usually yields zero or
even negative results for most MLMers and only
ends up in frustration and failure.
And this is all assuming that the warm/cold market
approach really is duplicateable in the first place.
But this is hardly the case.
It's too dependent on how big your warm market
is... what kind of people it consists of... and how
much influence you have with them.
The problem is, most of us are not positioned well
as someone who our family and friends would see
as a good person to follow into a business venture.
And in either case - whether you're trying to recruit
in your warm or cold market - when you're
prospecting people who have expressed little or no
interest in your product or opportunity, only the
most tenacious and pitbull-like reps can achieve
any kind of consistent, ongoing success. Usually
those who have had lots of experience in previous
sales positions.
Does this mean that one-to-one communication is
completely out?
Absolutely not.
It's simply a matter of shifting and redefining your
idea of how and when to use it.
It's just as important today as it ever has been -
WHEN used correctly, with the RIGHT people at
the RIGHT time.
Developing one-to-one relationships with your
top business builders and your best prospects is
very important...
But it's definitely not needed for ALL your
prospects. This tedious grunt work of sifting and
sorting can and should be automated.
If you haven't read The Renegade Network
Marketer yet, then go and pick up a copy for
yourself. You can download it and begin reading
it within three minutes. It's the best introduction to
online marketing available for network marketers
and it will show you how to truly stand out from
the rest of the crowd so that you are THE only
logical choice in your prospect's mind.
Download a copy of The Renegade Marketer here:
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