Monday, May 12, 2008

How To Compete With The Big Boys Part 3

Here is the third and final part to Ann Sieg's insightful tips on Renegade Marketing.

How To Compete With The Big Boys
By Ann Sieg

#3. "Warm/cold market prospecting is

This argument goes right along with the first one.

If we've already established that prospecting people
who don't care about our opportunity one at a time
is NOT an effective form of marketing (and in
some cases, one of the worst forms when done
incorrectly), why would you want to duplicate it?

Of course the whole point is supposed to be that
making a names list and calling those people is
supposed to be something that absolutely ANYONE
can do without needing any money, skills, or
experience whatsoever (not true, by the way)...

But I believe this is the same thing as trying to solve
our country's education problem by saying, "Let's
make the standards as low as we possible can so that
anyone can graduate without even having to actually
learn something."

I've said it before and I'll say it again:


Many MLMers might look at this and ask (as I
would have in the past), "but didn't John Paul
Getty say that he would rather have 1% of the
efforts of a hundred men than 100% of his own?"

And he did. But what he left out of that famous
saying is that in order for it to apply, that 1% has
to at least amount to SOMETHING.

The fact is, the old school techniques of trying to
sell to unqualified prospects usually yields zero or
even negative results for most MLMers and only
ends up in frustration and failure.

And this is all assuming that the warm/cold market
approach really is duplicateable in the first place.

But this is hardly the case.

It's too dependent on how big your warm market
is... what kind of people it consists of... and how
much influence you have with them.

The problem is, most of us are not positioned well
as someone who our family and friends would see
as a good person to follow into a business venture.

And in either case - whether you're trying to recruit
in your warm or cold market - when you're
prospecting people who have expressed little or no
interest in your product or opportunity, only the
most tenacious and pitbull-like reps can achieve
any kind of consistent, ongoing success. Usually
those who have had lots of experience in previous
sales positions.

Does this mean that one-to-one communication is
completely out?

Absolutely not.

It's simply a matter of shifting and redefining your
idea of how and when to use it.

It's just as important today as it ever has been -
WHEN used correctly, with the RIGHT people at
the RIGHT time.

Developing one-to-one relationships with your
top business builders and your best prospects is
very important...

But it's definitely not needed for ALL your
prospects. This tedious grunt work of sifting and
sorting can and should be automated.

If you haven't read The Renegade Network
Marketer yet, then go and pick up a copy for
yourself. You can download it and begin reading
it within three minutes. It's the best introduction to
online marketing available for network marketers
and it will show you how to truly stand out from
the rest of the crowd so that you are THE only
logical choice in your prospect's mind.

Download a copy of The Renegade Marketer here:

Email questions to:

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How To Compete With The Big Boys Part 2

Here is the second of three posts dealing with Ann Sieg's insightful Renegade Marketing techniques. Read carefully and let me know what you think.

How To Compete With The Big Boys
By Ann Sieg

#2. "One-to-one marketing is the only way "the
little guy" can compete with the big companies and
build a business today."

This is really the chokepoint or the lynchpin of the
entire argument for warm/cold market prospecting
because, again, if we're being totally honest with
ourselves, none of us would voluntarily talk to
people we know about our opportunity if we didn't
have to.

We would all love to advertise and have business
come to us instead if we could right?

However, we're told that the average person just
can't afford to do normal advertising like "the big
boys" can and one-to-one, word of mouth marketing
is really the only option available to us small home
based business owners who don't have a lot of
money to start with.

Now, 20 years ago when everything was offline this
*MIGHT* have been true...

But today with the internet, this argument is simply
outdated and no longer valid.

Reaching mass audiences of hundreds of thousands
of people with an advertising campaign in the
offline world can cost as much as a small house.

With the internet, these same numbers and results
can be achieved for nothing or next to nothing.

Let me give you some examples...

--To take out a full page ad in The Washington Post,
which has over 2.4 million readers, you will need to
fork over a hefty $100,000.

On the other hand, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,
which has a circulation of about 370,000 readers,
will only cost you $15,000.

--A typical full page ad in most magazines will cost
you anywhere from $20-40 CPM. This means 'Cost
Per Thousand' - the cost per thousand viewers or
readers. So if you want your ad to be seen by
roughly 100,000 people, it may cost anywhere from

--Depending on the type of postage you use and a
few other things like printing, paper, mailing list
rental and lettershopping, having your offer sent
to 100,000 people through direct mail can be in the
neighborhood of $50,000 or more.

--With production costs and air time, a 28 minute
infomercial can easily run you up a good

Now, compare this with similar methods on the

Cost: Free.
Reach: Sky's the limit.
Just now as I'm writing this email I went and
looked up some videos about how to start a home
based business and found a bunch that have gotten
54,542 views... 34,197 views... 74,907 views...
12,959 views... etc. All of them were done by
individuals in their home. None of them were done
by big corporations.

--Article Marketing.
Cost: Free if done manually, or for less than $200
you can have a good professional service do it for
you for an entire year.
Reach: Hundreds of websites with thousands of
regular visitors pick up your articles and distribute

>>>Here are some comments about article
marketing from someone who purchased the
Renegade Network Marketer:


By the way, I am averaging about 2 sales/day
recently, and only spend about $28/month to do that.
Out of that, $19 is to keep Aweber getting my
newsletter out, and the rest is my monthly fees for
my website and blog. Really, I don't spend anything
on marketing yet.

It's all article marketing, blogging, and newsletter

I'm averaging about a 94% profit margin!"

Scott Rogers
Duncanville, TX

--Banner Advertising.
Cost: $1-5 per thousand impressions, depending on
the websites you advertise with (an impression is
when your ad is shown) So to have your ad shown
100,000 times would cost between $100-500.

--Natural search engine listings (Google, Yahoo,
MSN, etc) though a website or blog.
Cost: Time.
Reach: Thousands to millions depending on the
search terms you're targeting.

--Ezine Advertising.
An "ezine" is an online newsletter and when you
advertise with one, your offer gets emailed to the
entire list of subscribers. This is one of the most
effective methods for targeting huge crowds of
people who are interested in your offer. There are
hundreds of home based business/network
marketing ezines you can advertise with, but here
are just a few examples that I found in about 10
minutes of looking through an ezine directory:
-$150 to have your ad sent to 470,000 subscribers
-$135 to have your ad sent to 280,000 subscribers
-$99 to have your ad sent to 100,000 subscribers
-$50 to have your ad sent to 37,000 subscribers
-$35 to have your ad sent to 20,000 subscribers

With the internet, anyone can advertise like the big
companies, and in fact, in many cases, the "little
guy" can do it a lot better.

Most Fortune 500 companies are just now starting
to get up to speed on strategies and techniques
that were being talked about and used with
tremendous success 5-10 years ago by pioneering
individuals and small home based business owners.

This may sound surprising, but did you know that
during the 21st Century, 90% of the most
significant breakthroughs and discoveries in science
and business came from small businesses?


Because it's very difficult for large, slow-moving,
bureaucratic corporations to adapt and change.

The Fortune 500s and the Inc 500s - just like the
vast majority of MLM companies - failed to adapt
to the internet and are now playing catch up.
(Actually, they failed to allow their
DISTRIBUTORS to adapt to the internet).

Is it really any surprise that the warm/cold market
approach has become outdated?

After all, network marketing was first conceived
of well over 50 years ago.

Things change. Techniques change. That's okay.

This does NOT mean that MLM itself is outdated,
just the methods that people are being taught to use.
It's more powerful now than ever, when combined
with effective marketing strategies.

One more thing about this idea that home based
business owners can't advertise like the big
companies can...

Notice how I said that "20 years ago when
everything was offline this *MIGHT* have been

Well, the reason I say "might" is because if you
advertise like MOST distributors do, this statement
is true. You WILL lose money. Every time.

When done wrong, any kind of marketing is
expensive - even warm market prospecting which
is supposed to be free.

Most MLMers lose money because they don't
know WHAT to advertise (hint: it's not your

However, when done correctly, all of your
advertising expenses become a complete non-

Read that again.



Yes, even the most expensive kinds like direct mail.

If this sounds like something you'd like to learn
how to do, you need to check out my book The
Renegade Network Marketer.

In it, I show you EXACTLY how to have all of
your advertising immediately pay for itself so that
you have no out-of-pocket expenses - regardless of
how big or small it is.

You're really at a huge disadvantage if you're not
using this strategy in your business. Other people
are every day and they're finding they're able to
expand their advertising endlessly as a result.

Just click here to learn how to do this right now:

Email questions to:

Monday, May 5, 2008

How To Compete With The Big Boys

The Renegade Marketing techniques taught by Ann Sieg have truly been an inspiration for my marketing strategies. I'd like to share with you some of her insight in a three part post. This post comes directly from an issue of her Newsletter.

It makes perfect sense to me. Read it and see what you think:

How To Compete With The Big Boys
by Ann Sieg

You know that feeling when you're out having
coffee with a friend... or you bump into someone
you know at the grocery store... and you think to
yourself, "I really need to talk to this person about
my opportunity. I haven't done anything yet to
build my business today?"

And then, afterwards, when you fail to share your
opportunity with them, you feel really guilty about
it because you know you're not any closer to your
dreams of financial freedom?

How would you like to never have that feeling

Let's face it.

We all hate talking to people about our products or
our opportunity, and none of us would do it if we
knew there was a better option available.

It's about as enjoyable as chewing on broken glass
and somehow, at a gut level it just doesn't feel right.

So why do we force ourselves to do it?

Well, a lot of us have been given the impression
that it's simply the only way to do this business.

Many of us have been told that the very core of
network marketing, the very reason it's so
powerful, is the one-to-one relationships that allow
us to immediately connect with our prospects and
have our message heard above everyone else's.

Remove the "one-on-one" aspect and you no longer
have network marketing.

There are three main reasons we're repeatedly
engrained with the idea that this form of direct
selling is superior to all others:

-It's more effective than other forms of advertising.

-It's the only way "the little guy" can compete with
the big companies and build a business today.

-It's duplicateable.

But is all this really true?

Let's take a look at each one of these arguments.

#1. "Direct selling is more effective than other
forms of advertising."

The average person today is busier than ever before
and the amount of things competing for our
attention is at an all time high.

We're constantly bombarded with as many as 1,600
to 3,000 different ads or marketing messages every
single day.

Because of this, we're told that the only way to cut
through all the noise and get people's attention is
through personal, pre-existing relationships.

An individual is actually able to get much better
market penetration with their "circle of influence"
than a big company with a huge advertising budget
because "people buy from those they know, like and

Now, at face value, this seems to make really good

But if you've made even the smallest attempt at
expanding your business through your warm market,
you know that something's not quite right with this

Were you greeted with open arms by every friend,
family member, coworker, referral and
acquaintance you've ever tried to prospect?

Did they happily whip out their checkbook and
immediately buy from you because they know you
or because you're a friend of a friend?

Probably not.

In fact, you're probably more familiar with the
experience of being avoided or shunned by people
the moment they found out what your real motives
for talking with them were.

So much for "cutting through all the noise" right?

So why doesn't it all play out perfectly the way it
should? Why the big disconnect between theory and

It's because direct selling, regardless of whether or
not you already know someone, is still a form of
interruption marketing.

You're still intruding on people's lives with the one
thing that we humans hate almost more than
anything else: An unwanted sales pitch.

Sure, you'll be able to get your foot in the door
because they know who you are... but it doesn't
matter if you're their best friend or a total stranger,
once you hit them up with a sales pitch, all of that
goes out the window!

You've just placed yourself in the same category as
all the other solicitors they ignore! It completely
voids the fact that you have any kind of relationship
with them.

Any trust between the two of you has been damaged
because people don't like being taken advantage of.
And that's how they feel when you assume that
they'll automatically give you their money just by
virtue of the fact that you know them. Especially if
you've used some sneaky, bait-and-switch "I just
want you to evaluate what I'm doing" or "I can't
explain it, you've just gotta come and see it for
yourself" tactic that many uplines teach and

(Deep down inside we all know this instinctively
because that's not how we would want to be
treated. That's why it just doesn't feel right when
we push our stuff on people.)

More importantly...


This is the most important and fundamental rule
of marketing and it's prerequisite to everything

If you're not abiding by this rule, NO form of
advertising is going to work.

In fact, person-to-person is actually the worst form
of advertising for practicing this sort of
"interruption marketing" because with something
like television or a magazine ad, your prospect can
simply change channels or turn the page if they're
not interested. No big deal.

But nothing is more uncomfortable than having to
turn someone down who won't take "no" for an
answer. Especially when you're trying to be careful
and polite about it because that someone is your

It's also a lot harder and more wearing on you
because you personally have to deal with the
rejection over and over again (another thing that we
humans don't do well with), as opposed to an ad
that couldn't care less.

While the whole point of direct selling is supposed
to be to allow you to breakthrough all the other
advertising clutter, there's actually a much better
and more natural way to accomplish this.
Effectively getting someone to listen to you has
nothing to do with communicating at a one-to-one

It's all about whether or not you're tapping into a
need or desire that already exists.

If you're not offering them something that they're
already highly interested in, you're not going to be
able to hold their attention and you're certainly not
going to get them to take action.

The REAL KEY to getting and keeping your
prospect's undivided attention is to deliver laser-
targeted messages to them at the exact moment
that they're looking for answers.


This is how you stand out from the crowd and the
internet allows you to do this like no other
advertising medium in history because what are
people doing when they go on the internet?

Searching for information!

This is the exact state of mind you need someone to
be in in order for them to be receptive to your offer -
not when they're having dinner or out grocery

The very nature of the internet is that people go on
it to look for answers. It's like a giant virtual yellow
pages, except infinitely better and more powerful
(in ways that I'll talk about more in future emails).

It's THE perfect pool of prospects - warmer and
more receptive than any "warm" market.


For more Renegade Marketing techniques visit my website at:

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Online Marketing Tips That Will Save Your Advertising Campaign

The field of Internet marketing has undergone numerous changes in recent years. Many are due to increased levels of recognition and the subsequent rejection of marketing tactics by potential customers. As Internet customers become educated about various marketing methods, they increasingly find ways to avoid the advertising.

What can you do to avoid the avoiders? How do you get your message out to consumers who are already wary of any type of advertisement? How do you get them to your website? There are a few online marketing tactics that have proven very successful and they may be simpler than you think.

Email marketing boasts the best advertising ROI. The advertising budget that you spend on email marketing is directly traceable to recorded sales. This doesn't mean spamming will translate into a fat bank account. It means by targeting and sending your audience an active advertisement, you will get better results than you would with a passive advertisement on a website.

The difference between the two -- passive ads and targeted email -- is delivery. An email advertisement conveys a sense of urgency, a prompt to act immediately. Email marketing is priceless for building and maintaining relationships with customers by keeping your brand and products fresh in their minds. Think of it as nearly-effortless lead generation: You put the information out there and prospects act on it because your email sales message has a tangible, irresistible call to action.

On the other hand, passive ads put the customer in control. Prospects decide to navigate their way to a website, read advertisements and click on them if moved to do so. Unless ads are spectacular or very well-placed, chances are most customers will not click them. This is not to say that text and link advertising doesn't work. On the contrary, both are extremely effective lead generation tools. However, ads have to stand out and convey a real sense of value for customers in order for them to take the time to click through.

That brings up another point about online marketing: Links on websites make the modern consumer nervous. Audiences who realize that you are trying to make money from their clicks will be far less likely to click on links on your site, whether they are advertisements or not. One of the best ways to solve this dilemma is to employ a link cloaker.

A link cloaker is an ingenious little plug-in that lets you disguise the target address of links on your site. Ordinarily, when a customer hovers over a link, the status bar will show the target address. Some customers avoid clicking on affiliate links. Others choose to simply open a new browser tab and type the address in directly, which means a loss of income for you. With a link cloaker, the stated target is whatever you want it to be: the name of the target site, your own site address, or some other text chosen by you.

The Internet advertising media has afforded endless opportunities for business. It doesn't matter what type of business either. There is a way to make an online marketing campaign that works using the Internet. The trick is in knowing how to present a campaign so that customers see a clear benefit. Potential customers don’t like being "pitched" But they do appreciate help and advice. Assist your customers in making decisions and you’ll success with spectacular results.

For more Renegade Marketing tips visit my website at:

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Can Newspaper Advertising Help Your Online Business?

Whether you’re running a small business or a Fortune 500 company, every dollar you spend ought to be seriously considered, especially any spending done for marketing. It doesn’t matter really if you have a limited budget or not. As a rule, you do not spend any of your hard-earned money just for brand identification. The purpose of your marketing campaign is always to get the highest Return On Investment (ROI) possible with plenty of sales.

That’s why choosing the right advertising medium for your business is crucial to your success. The right media vehicle can get you a greater increase in sales and steady profits. It is therefore your duty as a marketer to learn all there is to know about the medium you’re going to use. Is full color printing appropriate or not? What kind of print ad would be most appropriate for your needs?

Here’s one of the most popular media tools that have been used by many business owners and marketers to promote their business. Learning its benefits and drawbacks can help you choose the best medium to accomplish the goals you’ve set for your marketing campaign:


Newspapers are considered the most traditional advertising vehicle to reach both local customers and target clients in cities all over the world. Placing your ads in newspapers affords you the opportunity to reach a wider set of prospects. Depending on the newspaper’s readership, a regular media buy will give you consistent exposure every time. This means that the same target readers can read your ad again and again.

Since you can adjust the size of your ad as well as where you want it placed, you gain advertising flexibility. You can have as large an ad as you need that can tell as much of your message as you want to your target readers.

For the most part, newspaper ads are well accepted marketing options because of their fast turn around. You don’t have to wait more that a few days from creation of your campaign to seeing your ad printed. Since newspapers are published daily, you can even create an ad today and have your target clients reading it tomorrow.

Newspaper advertising, however, can be expensive. If you have a limited budget, that could present a real problem indeed. In addition, because many businesses use this particular medium for advertising, you have to vie for your target readers’ attention. You have to compete not only with the small ads but also with the ads run by big franchisers which often dominate the pages of any newspaper.

You also have to consider the fact that your ad’s life is short – as short as the life of the newspaper because a newspaper is usually read only once and then discarded.

While newspaper advertising can generate sales results, you need to weigh the pros and cons before you decide to run your ad. Depending on your needs, understanding these factors can help you maximize your investment and your results.

For more Renegade Marketing tips visit my website:

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Three Home Based Business Marketing Secrets

Marketing is the part of business that no one seems to like. Perhaps that's because it's confusing and made to be even more confusing when you begin to read books on marketing and its applications to the business world. So, are there any secrets that actually work and that you can actually apply to your online business? The answer is yes. There are three home based business marketing secrets that you can keep in mind as you begin this adventure into running your own business - and as you become a success.

Less is More

One of the things that marketing professionals don't tell you is that you really don't need to do as much as you think you do. By simply adopting a strategy of telling as many people as you can, treating each customer with respect, and then repeating this cycle, that's going to bring in a lot of new business. Word of mouth advertising may not get as much press as it once did, but it certainly still works when it comes to smaller home based businesses.

You also want to keep in mind that these marketing secrets don't require a lot of time or a lot of money in order to be effective. Something as simple as adding your website address to your emails is just as effective as running a commercial on TV and a lot less expensive to implement. Think about smaller ways to spread the word instead of bigger ways. Target only the customers that have already shown interest in what you have to sell and you're certain to market for success.

More is Less

You also want to remember that a customer on the Internet these days is accustomed to seeing a lot of advertisements, so they know when they are being 'sold' something. Instead of focusing your messages on sales exclusively, try bringing the customer information they can use - informational articles, etc.

When you put too many advertisements in outgoing emails or you simply push your company too much, you will turn off prospective customers. Even if they are interested in what you have to say, the more you talk to them about the same things, the more they're going to wonder what the 'catch' is and why they should buy from you at all.

Recognize that your customers are smart and that they WILL respond to you, even if you don't tell them about every sale or every feature for your products. You just don't have to beat them over the head with what you want to sell them.

Use Your Home Based Appeal to Bring People to You

By adding a personalized touch to your marketing strategies, you will begin to pull in more customers, almost without trying. So often, online businesses forget that it's their placement and location that allows them to be unique. Instead of downplaying the fact that you work from home, make sure that your customers know it. Show them pictures of your office and pictures of yourself to make the experience more personal. This is a marketing strategy that works no matter what you are selling. Since people aren't meeting you in person, the personalization will do the 'talking' for you, making a customer more comfortable with you.

Try adding a blog to your website that will introduce the kind of person you are and what you are capable of helping a customer with. Or you might want to include a video of yourself talking about your product or a personal story that relates to your product. The Internet can be such an impersonal place, so try to connect with your customer more.

For more Renegade Marketing techniques visit my website:

Please email questions to:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Online Heads for 10% of Total US Ad Spending

When the going gets tough…Sub-prime mortgage meltdowns. Floundering credit markets. Burst housing bubbles. Trillions wasted in war. Gold hitting $1,000. Tumbling stock markets. Falling payrolls. Oil at record highs. The dollar at record lows.

Is it any wonder that—even in a year of the Olympics and a presidential election—US advertising is struggling?

Almost all US advertising, anyway.

In the midst of the doldrums, like the Energizer Bunny, Internet advertising is still going strong.

”Even if its rate of growth is declining slightly,” says David Hallerman, eMarketer Senior Analyst and author of the new report, US Online Advertising: Resilient in a Rough Economy. “US online advertising is proving to be far more robust than other media channels.”

eMarketer predicts that this year online advertising will grow to nearly $25.9 billion and account for 8.8% of total US ad spending.

”Even more impressively,” says Mr. Hallerman, “in 2009 online advertising will reach $30 billion and account of fully 10% of all US ad spending.”

It is important to note that even as growth rates decline through 2009, overall Internet ad spending increases will remain in positive territory, the mid-teens or higher through 2011.

”This growth, even if less than before, will surpass all other major media,” says Mr. Hallerman.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking the Internet is impervious to downward economic pressures, however.

”Whatever label you slap on the current economic climate, US ad spending both online and offline will be shaped by overarching business trends,” says Mr. Hallerman. “While Internet ad spending is in no way immune to a recession’s impact, it is more resistant to ad spending cutbacks than are other media.”

For more Renegade Marketing tips visit my website at:

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