Is An Internet Business Right For You?
Starting an Internet business is not as easy as they would like you to believe. We've all heard the spiel about making thousands, even a six income figure, without so much as lifting a finger. The computer will do all the work for you is a famous line you've probably heard over and over again.
While it is true that the computer will do a lot of the work for you, it doesn't just happen automatically. You have to introduce your computer to a system that allows it to work for you on autopilot. You can't simply sign up for an mlm or affiliate program and expect the cash to start rolling in.
So the first question I ask anyone interested in starting an Internet business is, "Do you think an Internet business is right for you?" Sadly, this field isn't for everyone. Some like the comfort of having a boss tell them what to do. They know what is expected of them, and if they follow the rules as set forth by their supervisor, they are guaranteed a regular check.
On the other hand, an Internet business involves an element of risk. Yes, there will be successes, but there will also be some failures. You have to build up a resilient attitude and a determination to make it work.
Most people don't have their own product to promote. So getting involved with mlm or affiliate marketing is a good way to get started with an Internet business. These types of businesses allow you to market somebody else’s product or program and you get paid a percentage of the sales.
The downside to affiliate marketing and mlm's is that everybody is promoting a landing page or website that looks the same. The market gets saturated with replicated sites. So your affiliate marketing site looks like everyone else‘s. The web surfer is more than likely going to see your site and move on, having seen hundreds of others exactly like it.
Replicated sites are also bad for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
SEO is a key to any website's success. Getting a high ranking in the search engines will maximize traffic to your site and more traffic equals more sales. However, most search engines don't rank replicated sites from affiliate programs. The reason for this makes plenty of sense. Imagine you are the owner of a search engine and somebody is using your services. They type in a search for "health products". Lets say the website for Herbal Life comes up. Now if the search engine didn't restrict or limit affiliate replicated sites, the web surfer would be confronted with a list of hundreds of Herbal Life replicated websites. This is not what the search engine user is looking for . He wants to be presented with options. To prevent this, the search engines often don't rank affiliate sites. Makes perfect sense.
So the first thing I tell anyone who wants to get involved with network marketing or affiliate marketing is to not rely solely on the affiliate replicated landing pages or websites. The way to get around this is to create original content. This can only be done by having your own website. You can still promote the affiliate business or services, but the difference is you have a website that doesn't look like the one everyone else is promoting and you have your own original content. The search engines will notice this as they examine your site. The result? A higher ranking in the search engine. Ultimately, the higher your ranking in a search engine, the higher your volume of traffic and sales.
There are many businesses that will assist you in creating your own website. Try to look for a company that offers more than just website services. There are a few companies that also assist in other areas such as marketing and SEO.
In conclusion, remember that the only way to differentiate yourself from the competition is to create your own website. Never rely solely on the replicated affiliate sites. These replicated sites will do you no good when it comes to Search Engine Optimization.
For more information on creating your own website as well as information on a complete marketing system that really works, visit Robbie Fanucchi’s website at:
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