Here's a very informative message from the desk of Adam Bernard,
GIBLINK co-founder:
42 Billion Annually in Online Advertising by 2011!
The latest forecast for Internet advertising is out from eMarketer, which says that in the U.S., online advertising dollars will rise from $21 billion this year to $42 billion by 2011. Web advertising's share of the overall ad U.S. market during that period will also roughly double.
Meantime, the average American's online spending will also grow from $114 in 2007 to $199 per person in 2011. These latest numbers are based on data from the Interactive Advertising Bureau and PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
Bearing in mind that these forecasts are frequently wrong, they still represent a measure of current consumer sentiment towards the online advertising sector, which remains exceedingly bullish despite all other forms of advertising struggling or sinking.
Adam Bernard, Cofounder and CEO of
GIBLINK, the Global Internet Business Link, says "These latest numbers mean this is the time to start or expand a small business via the internet. And internet advertising sales will be making themselves."
The change in how business is advertising its wares is noted in four milestones, according to David Hallerman, eMarketer Senior Analyst and author of the new report US Advertising Spending.
"First, US Internet ad spending surpassed $5 Billion in Q2 2007." That is the largest sum recorded in any quarter, according to Hallerman, with fourth quarter projections for $6 Billion in ad sales.
"Second, while 69 of the 100 largest US advertisers put smaller budget shares into four traditional media---television, radio, newspapers and magazines---in 2006 than in the previous year, 70 of the same group put larger shares into Internet advertising."
That reversal speaks volumes about the growth and value of internet advertising!
"Third, even as the credit crunch pulls ad money off the total media table, the Internet looks to be more resistent to economic turmoil," acording to Hallerman who adds, that online advertising contributes more and more to advertising bottomlines every quarter, every year.
Finally, Hallerman says, "Data from both eMarketer and TNS Media Intelligence indicates that 2007 Internet ad spending will be higher than for radio, as reported in August. That is the first time online ad spending will be greater than for any of the four traditional measured media."
This is great news for members of
GIBLINK, and anyone who wants to join the internet boom. Those who get in now will only benefit as online advertising grows to one in ten dollars of total advertising expenditures.
GIBLINK, coFounder Bernard says, "The news about new media advertising gets better and better, with marketers spending more than $100 to reach each person online. By 2011, it's expected advertisers will double that per person amount, as well. It's a huge, surging wave with
GIBLINK members hanging on the crest!"
GIBLINK, now and let the online wave of advertising be one that you are riding, too!
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