They also do a better job in their first post explaining why GIBLINE is definitely the hottest Internet business going into 2008.
I think you'll find the blog quite revealing. You can check it out by clicking the link here:
Following is a copy of the latest email from the director of communications:
With the first 90-day cycle upon us we are entering into what gibLink is really about...a social and entrepreneurial networking community dedicated to Internet services & products with revenue sharing among the advertisers.
We've had an incredible 60 days, and now we're moving on to a more business-oriented platform. As of 9:00 pm PST, the current advertiser forum will be eliminated to continue preparations for our free subscriber phase. Beginning today, we are doing what we encourage all of you to do: we are making the most of our profile! All corporate updates and administrative information will be posted in our blog, located in our profile. Beginning tomorrow, we will be activating the blog located at Here, you'll get the latest info on everything from new developments on the site, to any changes you need to be made aware of.
Please come to the Monday Conference Call for all the details on what this means for all of you as a community. Ron, Adam and I will be filling you in on all the excitement!
The resources made available through this change will serve to enhance the gibLink experience for all of you in a number of ways, the most significant of which is a completely new Help Desk that will feature live chat capability with support staff, as well as a number of educational/tutorial additions that will make you more and more comfortable with the many areas that comprise the gibLink universe. As always, we will continue to have conference calls for the membership and will offer recorded calls for more detailed information in addition, of course, to my visits to your inbox.
With the social networking aspects of your gibLink community there are many outlets for clubs, forums and networking among the gibLink family of advertisers. This will bring to the forefront the purpose of this business which is entrepreneurial networking. Start that networking now!
gibLink is going into 2008 as the premier Internet business. That will include professional advertising, planning a number of exciting live events around the world, a continued focus on growth through web/Internet services and new advertiser acquisition, as well as a brand new software, still under development, that will provide capabilities and features never before seen anywhere in social networking.
The time has come and you are part of a revolution in social/entrepreneurial networking with gibLink, the first true Internet business that combines Internet services & products with an incredible revenue sharing program for all subscribers.
Never forget the power of what's in your hands right now. You are a part of the earliest days of a full-scale revolution that is already breaking records and is turning the Internet upside down! With the tools that we are striving to provide, you are taking control of your financial destiny as you build your core business and expand it with your own incredible, state-of-the-art Internet business!
To your success,
Timothy Johnson,
Director of Communications
As you can see GIBLINE continues to improve and set itself up as the premiere Internet business going into 2008.
Imagine a global social network like FaceBook or MySpace that shares its revenues with each of its members from across the globe. That is exactly what GIBLINE offers.
Just to put it in perspective, MySpace sold for 580 million dollars. YouTube sold for 1.65 billion dollars and skype sold for 2.65 billion dollars. Just think how successful financially you would be if these companies offered revenue sharing to its members.
GIBLINE launched October 15 and is predicted to be the next social and business networking phenomenon. 700 to 1,000 members are signing up every day. This business is taking off even faster than its owners predicted.
GIBLINE paid nearly 1 million dollars in its first revenue payout. That’s incredible for a business that has only been around a little over a month.
As GIBLINE continues to grow bigger and better remember that in GIBLINE there is:
-No downline
-No upline
-No meetings to attend
-No required sponsorship
This is an opportunity where you could truly set it and forget it and still make money.
Many are flocking to GIBLINE including some of the Internet heavy hitters.
Here's some of the big-wigs getting on board:
Mike G
Dave Dubbs
Jane Mark
Phil Basten
Tom Haley
Brent Gurney
Oddvin Neishiem
The GIBLINE Revenue Sharing Program is the most advanced, comprehensive plan of it’s kind to reward advertisers for using the GIBLINE Community to advertise their business. There has never been a system like it until now.
This is the first time in history where a company has created an incentive structure that pays every qualified active advertiser back a portion of the company’s revenue every week, every month and every quarter.
Take your position in GIBLINE and start receiving your share of the revenue in a company that will grow by leaps and bounds over the next few months.
email me with any questions at:
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