What can you do to avoid the avoiders? How do you get your message out to consumers who are already wary of any type of advertisement? How do you get them to your website? There are a few online marketing tactics that have proven very successful and they may be simpler than you think.
Email marketing boasts the best advertising ROI. The advertising budget that you spend on email marketing is directly traceable to recorded sales. This doesn't mean spamming will translate into a fat bank account. It means by targeting and sending your audience an active advertisement, you will get better results than you would with a passive advertisement on a website.
The difference between the two -- passive ads and targeted email -- is delivery. An email advertisement conveys a sense of urgency, a prompt to act immediately. Email marketing is priceless for building and maintaining relationships with customers by keeping your brand and products fresh in their minds. Think of it as nearly-effortless lead generation: You put the information out there and prospects act on it because your email sales message has a tangible, irresistible call to action.
On the other hand, passive ads put the customer in control. Prospects decide to navigate their way to a website, read advertisements and click on them if moved to do so. Unless ads are spectacular or very well-placed, chances are most customers will not click them. This is not to say that text and link advertising doesn't work. On the contrary, both are extremely effective lead generation tools. However, ads have to stand out and convey a real sense of value for customers in order for them to take the time to click through.
That brings up another point about online marketing: Links on websites make the modern consumer nervous. Audiences who realize that you are trying to make money from their clicks will be far less likely to click on links on your site, whether they are advertisements or not. One of the best ways to solve this dilemma is to employ a link cloaker.
A link cloaker is an ingenious little plug-in that lets you disguise the target address of links on your site. Ordinarily, when a customer hovers over a link, the status bar will show the target address. Some customers avoid clicking on affiliate links. Others choose to simply open a new browser tab and type the address in directly, which means a loss of income for you. With a link cloaker, the stated target is whatever you want it to be: the name of the target site, your own site address, or some other text chosen by you.
The Internet advertising media has afforded endless opportunities for business. It doesn't matter what type of business either. There is a way to make an online marketing campaign that works using the Internet. The trick is in knowing how to present a campaign so that customers see a clear benefit. Potential customers don’t like being "pitched" But they do appreciate help and advice. Assist your customers in making decisions and you’ll success with spectacular results.
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